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Addiction Treatment Services - Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs - Brodhead, KY.

Drug and alcohol treatment services are available in a wide variety of formats, so there is definitely something for everyone in Brodhead. Treatment services may be done in both an outpatient and inpatient basis, where outpatient treatment services range from 1 or 2 days of treatment per week to intensive outpatient treatment services which is available daily. Outpatient treatment services range from individual counseling and group counseling, to more advanced psychotherapies to modify behavior and motivate clients to stay sober.

Inpatient and residential treatment is there for people who struggle with more extensive histories of drug and alcohol abuse, ranging from 30 - 90 day programs. Some programs offer what is called a Therapeutic Community model, where clients may stay up to a year in certain situations. The longer the person stays in in treatment and benefits from services and a sober atmosphere, the greater their chances of staying sober and being able to do so without needing that robust system of support. Services within an inpatient or residential drug rehab program are commonly more diverse and can encompass treatment for addiction but also other co-occurring mental health disorders. Aftercare services are vital even after long-term treatment, and many centers recommend continued involvement in the program for several months until the person has shifted into a drug free lifestyle.

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