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Clients Referred from the Court - Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facilities - Oakland, ME.

Treatment clients referred from the court for drug or alcohol treatment are typically referred because they are being given a chance to receive rehab instead of jail time, other charges, fines, etc. Although this is more prevalent with first time offenders, it can occur at any time including while the person is being held in jail. There are various types of facilities that offenders can be referred to, and this all depends on which programs are local to Oakland and the type of drug or alcohol the person requires treatment for.

There are rehab facilities that work primarily with the courts to administer to this specific group of clientele, and are typically state or federally funded or are offered at little or no cost to the client. Additionally, there are also private drug and alcohol rehab facilities that can be authorized by the court if there is a specific type of treatment that the person requires or wants that a different facility can't fulfill. The client's attorney can push for such options to the judge for permission. There are even addiction treatment programs that operate out of the correctional institutions themselves, whereas clients are typically in a better position for reduced sentences or other benefits when engaging in substance abuse rehabilitation services while serving their time for a drug related offense or a DUI/DWI.

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