Drug and Alcohol Treatment options in Lovell, ME. can vary from inpatient, outpatient rehabilitation, short term rehab and various other options. Speaking with an addiction specialist who is educated in the differences in recovery programs can be an useful resource in selecting the right rehab.
Most individuals don't have a clue as to what they should search for while selecting an addiction treatment . The most significant item to think about with regard to your analysis should be the treatment methods and protocols in place to help recovering addicts.
From the high end to the inexpensive programs you find, it is good to keep in mind that the best most often provide evidence-based care to make sure that their patients slowly taper off of alcohol and drugs, handle any co-occurring issues, and provide aftercare to ensure that the addict abstains from drugs and alcohol following rehab.
Evidence-based treatments are those that are founded on a body of comprehensive research from peer-reviewed universities and journals. These therapies are particularly effective when applied at substance abuse treatment centers in Lovell, ME.
As you continue searching for the right drug and alcohol rehab facility to attend, you should remember to stay away from any center that doesn't track improvement or will not show you their measured success rates in the long term.
This may be because some facilities prefer treating repeat clients - that way, they get more money off of other people's misery. Among the rehabs that exploit people are those rehabs that will promise you success in thirty days but will keep you in the cycle of repeating 30 day stays after every relapse.
Instead, you should look for a treatment program that works and which can show proven success rates. The perfect program should be one that will give you a solid foundation of sobriety the first time you join.
You should also be cautious if you are considering 12-step based treatment facilities as well as those that use medications or medical recovery tools exclusively. This is because 12 step programs are not necessarily the leaders with regards to substance abuse rehab - rather, they are best used as additional treatments or aftercare options to assist people in recovery to stay sober after treatment.
At the same time, you might be better served with a rehabiliation program in Lovell that is extremely individualized. This is for the reason that good care should involve aiding you discover the real causes of your addiction and getting relief from them.
In most situations, you will find that there is deeply rooted emotional or spiritual agony that you are trying to heal or let go of by abusing alcohol and drugs. Hence, the substance abuse treatment facility in Lovell, Maine that you choose should seek to understand why you are suffering from that specific substance abuse disorder before helping you find recovery.
If you enroll in a facility that shuffles you from group to group, you might end up not paying as much. But, this type of treatment will not give you with the necessary resources to thoroughly explore your individual problems and how to deal with them.
The best solution, therefore, is to attend a rehab that gives you the chance to go on individual therapy sessions, and which provides you with individualized care plans according to your diagnosis. A better scenario would be if there are therapy groups involved allowing you to participate with other recovery addicts to understand better, share, and handle your common problems.
Last but not least, you should desist from joining a substance abuse treatment center that is punishing. This is especially so if you are looking for a facility in Lovell for a family member. Understandably, you may be upset that your loved one is addicted. Though in many cases you will discover that they are already feeling low about the circumstances they find themselves in.
So, they are not likely to get better if you have them attend a rehab that will eliminate their internet access, confiscate their phone, or require them to do work that they don't want to do.
These punitive measures might just belittle them and highlight their existing feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. In fact, most of these harsh requirements demean the individual and do not help the addict recover.
6 treatment listings in or near Lovell, Maine: